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Vista will not be more secure than Windows XP at first

Microsoft says its latest operating system will be the most secure Windows ever.

Although we will have to wait half a year for the final Vista to appear, Symantec has already formed an opinion on its security and reliability. According to the security company, in the beginning, users of the new operating system will be at greater risk than with Windows XP, which has become increasingly stable over the years.

The main reason for the problem is seen in the fact that Microsoft's program is based on completely new foundations, so the already well-proven and tested part of Windows had to be removed. According to Symantec, the new program code can only be a problem of this kind in the short term, and by recognizing and fixing the shortcomings, we will have a much more reliable operating system later than in the current state of Windows XP.

Vista will not be more secure than Windows XP at first

The Redmond software giant justified the bugs discovered by Symantec with the beta state of the program.

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