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SSD next to VGA? Not a bad idea!

SSD next to VGA? Not a bad idea!

A number of NVIDIA graphics cards come with Kingston flash memory storage as a gift.

SSD next to VGA? Not a bad idea!


We have witnessed a rare, yet attention-grabbing action; the greens will be giving away a Kingston SSD drive along with several GeForce GTX 1050 and GTX 1060 video cards as a gift, at least at some resellers. For now, it looks like the action is for the UK, but that may change.

gtx ssd no

Based on the images, we can get 240 and 120 GB Kingston A400 storage devices in this way. This is not the only such promotion, EVGA e.g. gift is also trying Destiny 2 on the GeForce GTX 1060.


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